On the occasion of 8-th years from establish of Croatian Olympic Committe started my
most difficult psychological and physical adventure until today.
First route: Roma - Porto San Giorgio
Started: 22-th August 99
Ended: 22-th August 99
Distance: 250 km
Completed by rideing a bicyicle in one day

Short description:
This route was finished without any problem. Main purpose was to save as much
as I can energy and strength for further efforts.
On this route Damir Mirenic and Daniel Lacko were part of my escort.
Second route: Porto San Giorgio - Split
Started: 24-th August 99
Ended: 26-th August 99
Distance: 220 km
Completed by paddling in kayak in three days

Short description:
Fact that no one ever before paddle from coast to coast with kayak over Adriatic
sea was more than just excited cognition for me.
On this route my escort was expanded with Dragan Krajcer, Pere Zalovic and sailboat "Polaris".
Friendly sea with a little bit of the wind made weather conditions of the first day
more than perfect.
Second day brings another story. Around noon problems started with north - west
wind and 1 - 3 meters waves.
Third day we were sheltered with Croatian coast, Solta,Ciovo etc. so the restless
sea was no longer a problem.
During sea adventure I was taking on "Polaris" two times to take a nap for
few hours.

Third route: Split - Zagreb
Started: 28-th August 99
Ended: 01-st Septembre 99
Distance: 360 km
Completed by running in five days.
Short description:
This should be my easiest rout but I was wrong. Bicyicle and kayak leave their
track on me. Everyday problems with painful legs and cramps together with a summer heat followed me to whole five days.
Finally last member Dejan Cepetic expanded to my escort.